Wurlitzer Style 147 Military Band Organ
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To enlarge pictures just click on them.
July24 2022, Various items have been ordered for the restoration including the MIDI electronics and a real treasure was located on ebay which is an original 1916 Wurlitzer name board which I acquired as this 147 has lost it's name board sometimein the past.
July 30 2022. This week the instrument was dismantled in preperation for the restoration of each individual part. (Just click on a picture to enlarge.
Aug 12 2022 Restoration work continues with the complete restoration of the pneumatic finger board and the Wurlitzer unit valves. The unit valves are what actually reads the holes in the music rolls. Through a slight change in atmospheric pressure caused by the hole in the paper music roll allowing air to enter the valve which causes a leather pouch to inflate that then moves a valve allowing vacuum to collapse the finger pneumatic and then playing the correct organ pipe or play the drums, make the music roll rewind etc.
All of the finger pneumatics cloth was original (1916) the following picture progress report shows some of the work involved to restore this very special unit.
"Just click on a picture to enlarge it."
All of the finger pneumatics cloth was original (1916) the following picture progress report shows some of the work involved to restore this very special unit.
"Just click on a picture to enlarge it."
Aug 23/22 Work continues with the completion of the Player system "Stack & valves." Then moving onto the beginning of the pipe work. Many of the pictures are for our own use to be sure everything is replaced correctly and to also show the amount of work and hours involved in restoration and to also act as a record of the quality of the restoration work for the next owner if you decide to ever sell the instrument.
Sept 1 2022 Work now moved to the front pipe section of the organ. I found many pipes blocked off and not playable. Mainly because of attemps to make repairs to various parts of the instrument without properly dismanteling etc.
I hope the following picture report is of interest.
Once the last of the pipe problems is solved work will move to the beginning of the instillation of the player stack, regulate, test etc.
I hope the following picture report is of interest.
Once the last of the pipe problems is solved work will move to the beginning of the instillation of the player stack, regulate, test etc.
Sept 10 2022 This picture progress report is a long one catching up with the past few weeks. Some items of interest is the vacuum bellows & reserviour restoration as well as the snare drum and finally the stack instillation. I have to pleasure to say that the Wurlitzer Style 147 Military Band Organ is now completed and playing up a storm. At the end of this report is a YouTube video of the instrument playing with a short tour showing a few of the various items.
Next it the building and installing a MIDI system which will allow the 147 Wurlitzer to not only play the original paper music rolls but to also play old music rolls too fragile to play again as well as new music created today by various composers who work in the MIDI format.
We will be supplying several hundred songs in the midi format with this system so please follow this work in the next reports. Ron S
Next it the building and installing a MIDI system which will allow the 147 Wurlitzer to not only play the original paper music rolls but to also play old music rolls too fragile to play again as well as new music created today by various composers who work in the MIDI format.
We will be supplying several hundred songs in the midi format with this system so please follow this work in the next reports. Ron S
Sept 20/22 Picture progress report covering the creation and installing of the midi system to operate the Wurlitzer style 147 Military Band Organ as well as the instillation of the original Wurlitzer logo onto the cabinet
Instrument is now completed it's restoration and MIDI install.