Style "O" Orchestrion built by
The Great Canadian nickelodeon co.
This custom built instrument began life as a 1916 Player Piano
This is a custom built orchestrion which uses the style "O" orchestrion music roll. This instrument uses all of the various controls that are available in the music roll which is considered the ultimate roll and was used by most of the large orchestrions made in the USA.
This "Tall Case" instrument features custom stain glass windows;
*A full 88 note piano made in 1916
*Mandolin or "Honkey Tonk" feature;(on Piano)
*24 Note Glockenspiel.
*24 Note Burdon organ pipes
* 64 note piano with coupled bass notes (Style o scale)
*Bass drum with Tympani. (Kettle drum)
*Snare drum (roll & tap).
*Indian wood block.
*Sleigh bells.
*Crash Cymbal.
*Rhythm Cymbal.
*Expression for loud/soft.
*Swell shutter. (In Lid of instrument)
*4 Music Rolls of 10 songs are included with the instrument.
Please see below for additional music
* This is the ultimate orchestrion for excellent musical arrangements playing music that was created in the1920's as well as new style O music rolls being produce modern music.
* Dimensions of this amazing instrument are;
Height 78" to top of Piano case & 92" to top of center cymbal, Width 61" Depth 29"
* Vacuum & Pressure Wicker chest (on wheels) Length 31" Width 16" Height 16"
* Instrument Weight 900 lbs. Approx.
* Key tops are Ivoryett ( plastic) so no problem with international customs against moving ivory keytops across any International boarder.
This instrument is now all restored and available at our at our shop for viewing
in Mount Forest On Canada
Price for fully restored Style O Orchestrion $10,000.00 CDN
or just 7,000.00 USA $$
*All offers will be considered*
*Shipping/crating, On site setup etc.
is available to anywhere in the world at extra cost.
*Please see the restoration work completed in 2022 by
The Great Canadian Nickelodeon Co
after 40+ years of service
Please Click Here
Nickelodeon Co. Orchestrion Restoration
Style O Music Rolls collection is also Included at no extra cost!!
*There is a large collection of 24 Style O music rolls that are also included !!!!
The rolls all contain 10 songs each and a few even have 15 songs.
All music rolls are in excellent "as new: condition and contain the very best songs
From the 1920s up to todays such as Barbershop, & Ragtime from todays arrangers from "Playrite Music" and "Coinola"
+ 3 extra or Spare Music roll chucks, (which hold the paper music rolls)
Also Included with the Orchestrion
Music Rolls list for this instrument Collection of 24 Style O music rolls
Please click here to see this outstanding collection
of 28 music roll which are also available.
For more information please feel free to contact us at;
[email protected]
1 519 261 0154 (or from Europe) 001 519 261 0154
This "Tall Case" instrument features custom stain glass windows;
*A full 88 note piano made in 1916
*Mandolin or "Honkey Tonk" feature;(on Piano)
*24 Note Glockenspiel.
*24 Note Burdon organ pipes
* 64 note piano with coupled bass notes (Style o scale)
*Bass drum with Tympani. (Kettle drum)
*Snare drum (roll & tap).
*Indian wood block.
*Sleigh bells.
*Crash Cymbal.
*Rhythm Cymbal.
*Expression for loud/soft.
*Swell shutter. (In Lid of instrument)
*4 Music Rolls of 10 songs are included with the instrument.
Please see below for additional music
* This is the ultimate orchestrion for excellent musical arrangements playing music that was created in the1920's as well as new style O music rolls being produce modern music.
* Dimensions of this amazing instrument are;
Height 78" to top of Piano case & 92" to top of center cymbal, Width 61" Depth 29"
* Vacuum & Pressure Wicker chest (on wheels) Length 31" Width 16" Height 16"
* Instrument Weight 900 lbs. Approx.
* Key tops are Ivoryett ( plastic) so no problem with international customs against moving ivory keytops across any International boarder.
This instrument is now all restored and available at our at our shop for viewing
in Mount Forest On Canada
Price for fully restored Style O Orchestrion $10,000.00 CDN
or just 7,000.00 USA $$
*All offers will be considered*
*Shipping/crating, On site setup etc.
is available to anywhere in the world at extra cost.
*Please see the restoration work completed in 2022 by
The Great Canadian Nickelodeon Co
after 40+ years of service
Please Click Here
Nickelodeon Co. Orchestrion Restoration
Style O Music Rolls collection is also Included at no extra cost!!
*There is a large collection of 24 Style O music rolls that are also included !!!!
The rolls all contain 10 songs each and a few even have 15 songs.
All music rolls are in excellent "as new: condition and contain the very best songs
From the 1920s up to todays such as Barbershop, & Ragtime from todays arrangers from "Playrite Music" and "Coinola"
+ 3 extra or Spare Music roll chucks, (which hold the paper music rolls)
Also Included with the Orchestrion
Music Rolls list for this instrument Collection of 24 Style O music rolls
Please click here to see this outstanding collection
of 28 music roll which are also available.
For more information please feel free to contact us at;
[email protected]
1 519 261 0154 (or from Europe) 001 519 261 0154