Nickelodeon Co. Style o,
Orchestrion Restoration Progress Report in Pictures
Aug 25 2020
Orchestrion Restoration Progress Report in Pictures
Aug 25 2020
The main case has now been stripped of the old finish and repairs made to the damaged veneers. Main stack has been restored and installed, floor and all of it's components restored and installed. New pedals and all new casters installed etc. Piano is now back upright and ready for the spool frame etc.
Progress report in pictures for Oct 2 2020
Oct 10 Picture Progress Report
Cabinet being stain matching before finishing coats
Refinishing Oct 16/20 starts with 6 + coats of sanding sealer being applied with sanding each part by hand after each coat over a three day period allowing time to cure.
Next is the actual finishing of the instrument. The sanding sealer coats (above) were applied over the weekend in a sort of marathon of sanding and spraying late into the nights. Next is the finish coats which as you can see is the semi-gloss you requested and also how the oak grain really comes alive with the 12 multiple coats, and is now completely visible compared to the shaded effect that was popular in 1980.
Pictures below are in reverse order to work done
Full size pictures and video at bottom of this report.
Pictures below are in reverse order to work done
Full size pictures and video at bottom of this report.
The following pictures show how the orchestrion was packed into it's shipping box. I use what is known as a Jones Bar to lift pianos etc. onto dollies and this is how I was able to get the orchestrion onto the special shaped dolly. By going in reverst to the pictures you should be able to unpack without any problems. Then just plug in, turn on, and insert a loonie, In fact I believe there is one all ready to go.